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September 15, 2015 Leave a comment


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© HMS: Scenes of a Meltdown

© The Purpose of the Circus

Perhaps the least informed, or most misguided, people in the United States are those who consider the mainstream media and conventional press to be a reasonable sources of information. People, it can be assured, who invest their reliance in the word of both the press and the media are receiving no return on their investments, as the news is a ruse. No matter how true a topic that the news covers may be, the way it is delivered is with sensationalism, fictional hype and seeming urgency. Part of the reason behind employing these tactics is no doubt to lure viewers and boost ratings.

Yet there is also another reason, though it may be unintended in certain cases, that people are taken in and buy what the news is selling. At 1:00pm, a commercial will tell its viewers that an exotic pear could be disastrous to one’s health if eaten, but that danger is omitted until the airing of the evening news program. But why is this pressing news concealed from those watching, some of whom may have eaten this rotten pear?

The commercial boasts the notion that it already knows of danger this exotic fruit contains, but feels no need to make the danger publicly known right then. Albeit, the danger is filed under classified until the evening edition. When viewers tune in, the news is kept until the end of the program, 1) to keep people engaged so to up the ratings, and, 2) to make the audience fearful. But when the pear news is finally aired, those watching are informed that the pear has a dense pit, and that the people who may eat them should be careful when biting into one. The news, then, is merely diseased information — a rotten pear.

© HMF: Tupac and Biggie: Denial of Justice

Categories: Uncategorized

© First Aid

© Harold Midfella's Review

It appears strange to me that even when we don’t know a certain pain personally, we somehow think we know how best to heal it. But sympathy cannot deal a better hand than empathy, and as far as I am aware, no benefactor is ever hungry enough to eat from the receptacle of another.

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Categories: Uncategorized

© HMF: Tupac and Biggie: Denial of Justice

© First Aid

It appears strange to me that even when we don’t know a certain pain personally, we somehow think we know how best to heal it. But sympathy cannot deal a better hand than empathy, and as far as I am aware, no benefactor is ever hungry enough to eat from the receptacle of another.

© HMS: Scenes of a Meltdown

Categories: Uncategorized

© Allusions to a Modern Love Song

© Harold Midfella's Review

I would like to convey to the reader that the point of this poem is not to mock T.S. Eliot’s J. Alfred Prufrock, but, rather, mimic its integrity. It is meant to serve as a parody to a parody — as to revisit that which plagues us seems to be the immutable motif concerning the nature of human habits throughout the ages. The modern degeneration of society, its vices and the corporatist government that feeds it with an adequate diet of its materialistic desires has made America a culture lacking any. Every social illness is spreading, whether it be violence, crime, indifference, poverty, war, misplaced power over asinine and glutinous greed and a near-total disconnect with the valuable virtues laden in the arts and scripts left to be rediscovered in every age of the humanities. This is a course through the fog — and a Virgilian guide is wading in…

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Categories: Uncategorized

© HMS: Scenes of a Meltdown